Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, our website and its text to audio tool are publicly available for the general use of the public. We provide free services, so you don’t need to worry about purchasing a premium plan.
You can convert 2000 characters into audible words weekly without paying a single cent. Once you have reached your limit, a pop-up will be visible on your screen to inform you that you have reached your word limit.
Our exceptional texttospeechmp3 lets you choose any preferred language from a giant collection of 70+ famous worldwide languages. We also offer different accents in our AI voices to make them sound natural.
Social media is an excellent way to reach a larger audience and stand out through your content. That’s why using text to audio reader tools helps them create engaging content with minimal effort.
Our realistic texttospeechmp3 offers 100+ voices, all of which sound realistic and natural as a speaking person. You can choose any AI voice for them and add different emotions to make them sound more realistic.